7 common facts about Cocoa Butter you need to know

7 common facts about Cocoa Butter you need to know

Cocoa butter, as you all know by now, is made from cocoa or cacao beans. Cacao beans are small trees which are around 8 meters tall and found in South and Central American rain forests. Most part of the cocoa beans consists of cocoa butter, which is used as a base in chocolate manufacture. Used in the making of cocoa powder, and also in several other uses, cocoa butter is one of the most natural things you can find for personal use. Other uses of cocoa butter include – as additive in cosmetics, as ointment base, as emollient, skin softener, protectant and moisturizer in most skincare products. It helps add a creative and protective layer to your skin and makes it look healthier and smoother. Cocoa butter carries the light pleasant aroma of chocolate. Otherwise called as theobroma oil, cocoa butter is pale yellow in color and is a natural fat that is nutritious to your body.

Below are a few facts about cocoa butter and its uses:

1. Cocoa butter is an emollient which is used in suntan lotions as it is a moisturizer that can enhance the skin by activating the production of skin collagen. However, cocoa butter is not like SPF lotions and cannot protect you from sun-tanning.

2. A vegetable fat, cocoa butter is extracted from cocoa beans by a fermentation process that is natural and does not involve usage of many chemicals. Whitish yellow in color, this extract is added as a main ingredient in chocolate production.

3. Cocoa butter is added to pure cacao paste to create bar chocolate. It is also added to dark chocolate and white chocolate.

4. Cocoa butter melts just below human body temperature and is edible and nutritious. This is why chocolate is solid at room temperature, but melts in the mouth.

5. Cocoa butter is better than many moisturizers. It can be easily absorbed by the skin so much so that it goes till the dermal layer of the skin to enhance collagen production. It is also because of this reason cocoa butter is used in most of the fairness creams.

6. Cocoa butter is used as thickening agent in lipsticks, soaps and emollient creams. Since it is harmless on the skin, it is also used in a lot of pharmaceuticals.

7. Cocoa butter is also used for stretch marks and scars due to its hydrating effects. It is gentle on the skin and carries a pleasing aroma.

Posted in Cocoa Butter Benefits on Sep 27th, 2010, 6:55 am by jjones   

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